Indian cricket team star batter Virat Kohli was spotted strolling around Melbourne with wife Anushka Sharma ahead of the Boxing Day Test match against Australia starting Thursday. In a video going viral on social media, Virat and Anushka were seen walking on the street while the moment was captured by fans. Kohli has not enjoyed a good run of form since scoring a ton in the first Test match and his disappointing show has resulted in criticism from both fans and experts. With the series tied at 1-1, India will certainly bank on Virat to boost their chances of reaching the World Test Championship (WTC) Final.
Meanwhile, Australian skipper Pat Cummins said that the Melbourne Cricket Ground (MCG) pitch looks “nice and firm” with a “bit of grass coverage” and it could help spinner Nathan Lyon as well.
With the series level at 1-1, both sides will be playing the much-anticipated Boxing Day Test with an aim to secure an all-important series lead needed to push a case for the ICC World Test Championship final.
Virat Kohli And @AnushkaSharma Spotted Strolling On The Streets Of Melbourne.#Virushka #INDvAUS #AUSvIND @imVkohli
— virat_kohli_18_club (@KohliSensation) December 24, 2024
Speaking ahead of the game in a pre-match presser, Cummins said about the pitch, “Pitch looks really good, quite consistent to what it has here for the last few years, I think, you know, a bit of grass coverage, feels nice and firm, so they (curators) have done a great job here for, you know, probably the last five, six years, their pitches and I suspect the same this year.”
The skipper also admitted that bowling during high heat, in temperatures as high as 39 degrees could be “hot”.
Speaking further on the wicket, Cummins called it “well-balanced”.
“Nathan Lyon has had some success here, certainly plays a role, so yeah, would not be surprised if there’s a little bit on-off for spin,” he concluded.
(With ANI inputs)